National UFO Reporting Center - April 96 Reports

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4/2/96 13:00 Mussel Shoals, AL Man, lying on back looking up, sees tiny bright white speck streak across blue sky from W to E. Obj. zigzagged twice, disappeared
4/2/96 20:15 Jacksonville, FL Man standing outside house witnesses "star" moving W to E in N sky. "Star" suddenly "turns 90 deg., goes straight up out of sight.
4/3/96 22:30 Las Vegas, NV Man and family witness 5 bright, whit lights oriented in single file pass overhead slowly from E to W. Very strange.
4/3/96 23:00 Fontana, CA Wife, husband, 3 children observe large, orange ball of extremely bright light in night sky. Obj. hovered, zigzagged, disappeared.
4/3/96 23:00 Fontana, CA Fontana Police relay rept.: Family had just called to report large, orangish light rotating, maneuvering in sky over city.
4/4/96 2:45 Las Vegas, NV Man driving S on Hwy. 215 East sees "huge falling star" descend out of night sky. Strange, distinctly blue color.
4/5/96 20:30 San Diego, CA Pilot repts. 2 bizarre, large, bright red lights hovering "at 245 degrees, 45 degrees up" viewed from his home. Faded sequentially.
4/5/96 21:00 San Diego, CA Anon. female caller repts. multiple observers see 2 bright red lights hovering in night sky. States her pos. "5 mi. NW of Pogey VOR."
4/5/96 21:00 San Diego, CA Anon. male caller repts. 2 bright red lights hovering together "35 deg. to left of Venus." Objs. move in formation to left, disappear.
4/6/96 22:07 Billings, MT Man in hot tub sees 2 very bright objs. side by side streaking S to N, both suddenly stop. Joined by 3rd obj. from NW. Streak off.
4/7/96 11:50 Lakewood, CO Former USAF pilot sees silver/gray disc streak up to aft end of departing UAL DC-10. Obj. accelerates dramatically, ascend @ 45 deg.!
4/7/96 18:15 Seattle, WA Man & wife see a circular, or disc-shaped, obj. streaking overhead. Very high, goes up through high clouds. Like "silver cigar."
4/8/96 23:00 W. Manchester, OH Woman sees very bright light through shades, sees bright white/green strobing light moving N to S above trees. 2nd obj. joins 1st!
4/8/96 23:00 W. Manchester, OH Woman sees obj. w/ strobe & solid lights streak by window. Goes to S side of house, sees 2 objs. hovering over neighbor's tree.
4/9/96 21:50 Bradenton, FL Woman, co-worker see very bright light to W over ocean. "Teardrop" shaped obj. drops from it, shoots off! Guards static.
4/11/96 13:00 Memphis, TN Auto mechanics rept. bizarre red light that streak around shop, "like laser." Appears to come down out of sky; no other people nearby.
4/12/96 2:00 Nikishi, AK Household awakened by obj. that streaked overhead. Bright light in front, vapor trail left in sky. Obj. returned, hovered, turns red.
4/12/96 21:45 Olathe, KS Man repts. "cluster of lights in W sky, very bright, stationary, 1/3 dia. of moon." (Calls next day--object is Venus.)
4/12/96 22:08 Baltimore, MD Man sees formation of 10-12 dimly lit amber lights in wedge-formation pass E to W overhead at VERY high speed, like shooting star.
4/12/96 23:55 Phillipsburg, PA NY FAA Center (ARTCC) shift-supervisor calls to rept. strange obj. seen on radar at 40k'. Obj. paced jet, seen by several other a/c.
4/12/96 23:55 Phillipsburg, PA Crew of busjet call to describe sighting: intensely bright ball of light at 40k' approached their a/c, "jumped" 10-20 mi. in seconds!
4/13/96 23:17 Ft. Myers, FL 2 males see orange ball of light streak from SE to N. "100x faster than Blue Angels." Covered 45 deg. of sky in 4 sec.; 2x size Venus.
4/14/96 Luck, WI Woman, husband see "huge" cluster of 5x BRIGHT lights pass from SW to NE beneath broken clouds. Beautiful "tail of light!!"
4/14/96 2:00 Polk Co., WI Sheriff's Dept. repts. call from citizen of large, bizarre obj. passing overhead below clouds. Bright amber lights.
4/14/96 2:00 Minneapolis, MN Minneapolis FAA Center repts. calls from MI State Patrol regarding bizarre aerial event over Cheboygan & other nearby towns.
4/14/96 2:05 St. Cloud, MN Man delivering newspapers sees large "trapezoid of very bright amber lights w/ strobes" pass slowly overhead SW to NE. Silent.
4/14/96 2:05 Petoskey, MI Emmet Co. Deputy describes multiple reports of cluster of lights "w/ flame behind it" from MI State Patrol, deputies, local police.
4/14/96 2:10 Wyoming, MN Man, 3 neighbors witness "huge" cluster of amber lights pass slowly from SW to NE. Sky crystal clear. Steady pace, no noise.
4/14/96 3:10 Petoskey, MI MI Hwy. Patrol off. w/ partner on Hwy. 31 see 2x glowing obj. overhead. Obj. had "long, burning tail, like rooster tail." 2nd car saw.
4/14/96 3:10 St. Ignace, MI Man, wife, 2 adults witness 2 very bright objs. pass across sky, followed by 4 smaller lights. Huge tail 1 mi. long. Steady pace.
4/14/96 22:00 St. Johns, MI FAA employee reports seeing 20x tiny, "pinpoints of gold or yellow color" lights streak overhead. Multiple clusters.
4/15/96 5:13 Bakersfield, CA Man sees enormous blue light pass S to N in W sky. Obj. flashed, turned pure white, streak N, then break up into pieces. 1/10th moon.
4/15/96 5:13 Bakersfield, CA Reporter calls re multiple repts. of bright obj. streaking over Bakersfield. Writes article. (MANY other repts. after article.)
4/15/96 5:13 Campbell, CA Woman observes round ball of light streak from E to W VERY fast, flashed 3-4 times. Visible through clouds, "like heat lightning."
4/15/96 16:24 Ft. Collins, CO Ft. Collins Police report call from citizen: Man sees a highly reflective obj. flash numerous times, turn black, disappear over mtns..
4/15/96 16:35 Ft. Collins, CO Man repts. seeing "metallic object" in W sky against sun. Highly reflective, then turns black, becomes smaller. 2 boys see, too.
4/16/96 1:45 Pleasant Hill, CA Man driving on Hwy 4 sees 2x bright lights, flashes headlights at them. Objs. extinguish, then reappear as 1 red w/4x white lights!
4/17/96 21:00 Pine Bluff, AR Man repts. "8-12, maybe 15" objs., "size of stars," moving VERY fast in formation W to E overhead. Then sees 2x a/c in formation.
4/20/96 1:00 Gilman, VT Young man on Rte. 135 hears rear defroster buzz, sees huge, very bright boomerang-shaped obj. overhead. Rnd. bubble on bottom.
4/20/96 22:05 Redding, CA Man sees "2 glowing balls of light" descend out of sky, reverse positions, streak to E. Objs. gave off sparks as they moved E.
4/22/96 3:15 Rochester, MN Woman sees "bnright whitish-gold light" hovering in sky. Two smaller lights on either side.
4/22/96 21:30 Edmonds, WA Man repts. seeing a round, "shapeless," red object in sky while riding bicycle. Hears momentary, high-pitched "beep or click."
4/23/96 17:10 Richmond, VA Woman, other commuters on Ridgefield Rd. witness bright, shiny, chrome-colored obj. hovering below overcast. "Just above trees."
4/24/96 1:15 Pt. Angeles, WA Man sees "round, black orb" pass across top of crescent moon. Obj. appeared jet black. Excellent written rept. and drawing.
4/25/96 21:30 Santa Barbara, CA Man on Rte. 126 sees bright white flash of light, then missing time. Experiences peculiar events, sees strange visions from history.
4/25/96 22:00 Gold River, CA Man sees pulsing red light in NE sky. Obj. moves slowly to SE sky, drops down to horizon slowly, disappears behind houses.
4/25/96 22:05 Bishop, CA Man, wife, daughter, in-laws see very bright, strange obj. in sky. Had regular pulsing lights, 1/4 dia. of full moon.
4/26/96 3:30 Langley, WA Woman & mother witness very bright, elongate obj. in E sky. Appeared to have 2x lights on it. Suddenly ascended straight up.
4/26/96 20:50 Merced, CA Man sees very bright, "electric-blue" light traveling S to N in E sky. Light, "size of Venus," suddenly disappears. Silent, no tail.
4/26/96 20:55 Lake Nacemiento, CA Woman, grandson, witness brilliant white light, 1/2 dia. of full moon, streak horizontally S to N in E sky. VERY fast. Boy upset by it
4/27/96 1:30 San Jose, CA Man repts. Vanderberg AFB radar had tracked obj. travelling to N up to Santa Rosa. (No written rept. or follow up.)
4/27/96 22:30 Albany, OR Man at stopwitnesses black, delta-shaped obj. hovering motionless. Obj. shoots "confined beam" down to ground! Humming.
4/28/96 0:10 Ft. Walton Bch., Fl Capt., 4x crew, witness VERY bright descend from sky to N, hover over water. Obj. moved from off bow to off stern, ascend vert!
4/28/96 1:00 Mile 69, WY Women driving truck on Hwy 80 sees obj. "w/ bright nose, no wings" flare up, go behind mountain.
4/28/96 1:30 Kalispell, MT Four teenagers on hill see immense, very bright ball of greenish-white light streak vert. down, hit ground 20 miles (?) to SW. Silent.
4/28/96 1:40 Idaho Falls, ID Sheriff's deputy sees EXTREMELY bright blue-green ball of light--"1/2 diameter of moon"--streak down, disappear. Lit 1/4 of NW sky.
4/28/96 1:45 Idaho Falls, ID Group of young people witness blue-green light--"ball of fire"--streak down at angle. 4 min. later, hear 2x loud booms. Dramatic!
4/30/96 22:05 Spokane, WA Woman, several youth, witness 2x very bright lights moving irregularly in N sky. Changed elevation, seemed to move relative to a/c.